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AIF Praises Florida DEP and EPA Numeric Nutrient Criteria Agreement

March 15, 2013

TALLAHASSEE – Associated Industries of Florida (AIF) and members of its Numeric Nutrient Criteria (NNC) Task Force praised the Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s (FDEP) and Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) agreement on how to implement the NNC law in Florida. Based on state legislation and state rules, this agreement eliminates duplicative, and potentially conflicting, state and federal rulemaking.

The EPA's recognition of FDEP’s water quality standards as sound not only reflects a true spirit of cooperation, but also validates the FDEP’s hard work and research on NNC. Going forward, the NNC law will be implemented based on Florida science and data. Continuing as a leader in water quality protection, Florida will now have the most comprehensive NNC standards in the country.

This state-led solution provides predictability in its implementation and while it comes with some cost, it will not impose unnecessary, burdensome costs on Florida’s families and businesses.

“Today’s announcement brings a long-awaited resolution and reflects years of determined advocacy by AIF and its task force members. Through their continued focus on this issue, we have forged a partnership with the federal government that ensures there will be clean water for future generations of Floridians without laying a heavy financial burden on Florida’s citizens and employers,” said Rep. Matt Caldwell, Chair of the House Agriculture & Natural Resources Subcommittee.

At the forefront of this issue from the beginning, AIF has led a broad coalition of businesses, local governments, farmers and public utilities concerned about the proposed federal law.

“As committed water quality advocates, we have long been supportive of FDEP’s standards and have worked closely with Florida’s Congressional delegation to convince the EPA that Florida’s approach to controlling nutrients in our waters was the best for our state,” said Tom Feeney, AIF President and CEO. “We thank the FDEP and our Congressional members for all their tireless efforts which resulted in today’s outcome.”